The bead trees are still in full bloom a few days after Mardi Gras. Growing up in Louisiana, one my favorite times of year was Mardi Gras. Heading out to parades with the family, the excitement of catching a pretty bead, and dancing in the streets. As I've gotten older, how I celebrate Mardi Gras has changed a bit. I still enjoy going to parades, but I enjoy it more watching from a distance with an adult beverage in hand. Frankly, catching a pretty bead isn't worth the risk of getting slammed in the face by a ziploc bag of beads. I'd rather watch from a distance.

As of a few years ago, I actually ride in a Mardi Gras's a very small parade--definitely one of those big 40 float parades in New Orleans you may have heard about--in my home town. I love riding on the float. Seeing the look on a kid's face when you toss them a stuffed animal makes it worth every penny I spend on throws and dues.

This year was a little different. We all knew the weather wouldn't be ideal, but this was one of the more miserable experiences I've had. It started raining about 30 minutes before we started rolling. Everyone was dancing around in plastic ponchos trying to make the best of the situation. By the time the parade started, things were looking up. The rain had stopped and the wind had settled a bit.
Halfway through our parade route...all hell broke loose. The rain came pouring down once again, and the wind gusts brought a cool front along with them. It's one thing to be in the rain, and it's one thing to be cold. It is a WHOLE OTHER THING to be in the rain AND cold. I could not feel my hands or feet, and I was soaked from head to toe. IT. WAS. MISERABLE.
Luckily after the parade was over, and after my hair was finally dry, the night ended great with everyone in town partying together and having a good ole' time. Just as Mardi Gras should be!
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